
Trail Clean up

Thank you to all of the community groups who have been helping to keep our trails clean.

The Transcona Cleanup Day organized by the Transcona BIZ this spring was a good start to the year. We also appreciate all the individual people who cleanup as they are walking on our trails throughout the year.

The Transcona Trails Association has Adopt-a-Park Certificates for several of the trails in Transcona. We try to keep track of which areas have been recently cleaned, and which areas currently have the most litter and are in the most need of clean up. We are trying to coordinate the major group clean ups on the trails so volunteer time is used as effectively as possible. Three school groups regularly clean up the Transcona Trail from the east end to Plessis Road so this area has better care than other trail sections. If your group wants to cleanup trails in Transcona we need your help and are very thankful. Please contact us before your annual community cleanup events and we can direct you to the trail areas of greatest need. We have been keeping the trails reasonably clean but with more help we can do a better job of cleaning up the nearby ditches and views from the trails.

Areas usually in need of more frequent cleanup:

  • Western end of Transcona Trail in front of Costco.
  • Rotary Tall Grass Prairie Park especially along the outside of the fences, due to blown in litter.
  • Eastern Section of Cordite Trail off Redonda, due to regular dumping of garbage and roof repair materials.
  • South Transcona Community Path.

Safety recommendations:

  • Have a plan for depositing the garbage bags.
  • Wear gloves.
  • Wear steel shank boots if there is a chance of stepping on nails.
  • Call 311 to deal with any needles or large furniture.
  • Do not empty bottles; the liquids are unknown.
  • Do not place yourself in danger, particularly near ditches.

Helpful hints:

  • Litter pickup sticks may be purchased for approximately $2 from local discount stores. These are great to use near ditches and for damp litter. They also decrease how much you need to bend your back.
  • We can provide individuals with a small supply of gloves and garbage bags for litter collection.

If your group has been doing an annual cleanup in a park or on a trail let us know so we may post it on our website.